WTF Anime Dakimakura Pillow

Nov 10, 2024
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You can probably guess at least some of what Anime Dakimakura Pillow sells. I mean, it is right there in the name, though you might not recognize the terminology if you’re not something of an otaku nerd. Yes, we’re talking about those big-ass body pillows printed with cute anime chicks, wolf girls and naked Genshin Impact characters, but that ain’t all the shop carries. Even if you think having a cushiony waifu on your bed is a step too far into neckbeardism, you might appreciate some of their more intimate products.

Would you believe me if I said I just got head from an anime vampire girl? Because I did, and made it happen. The shop carries a wide assortment of anime body pillows and Japanese adult toys, which they’ve been shipping around the world for a couple decades now. Their website gets well over a hundred thousand visitors a month, and that’s not even counting their customers who buy the company’s goods elsewhere. I’m pretty much always looking for something new to stick my dick into when I’m not banging human women on the PornDudeCasting couch, so let’s take a closer look at that catalog, shall we?

From Daki Fans to Daki Makers​

Before I really get into it, it’s worth talking about Anime Dakimakura Pillow, the brand making the titular product. I really thought the site was just a retailer when I first saw the domain name, but no, the folks behind the scenes actually started the company out of boredom in the early ‘00s. What I really like about the origin story is that it paints the founders as true fans of the product, which almost always makes for a better end-user experience.

They’ve since grown into a manufacturer and wholesaler of legit Japanese dakimakura. There’s an attention to detail that you’re just not going to get with some off-brand bullshit on Amazon. They import fabric from Osaka for authenticity, do bulk orders for anime studios, and have a five-step quality control process to ensure a top-shelf product. I also love how vocal they are about supporting their artists, who really elevate those waifu pillows to the next level.

The front page of loudly boasts that they’ve got over 50,000 anime waifus in the catalog. Looking a little bit closer, that actually includes a lot of the non-pillow products I’ll be getting into in a minute, but the selection does lean heavily toward what it says on the tin. If you’re looking for a big-eyed babe printed on something soft you can cuddle up with, you’ve come to the right place.

There are tons of popular characters, both SFW and NSFW. As I type this up, the top wholesome chicks hail from franchises FateGrand Order and Doki Doki Literature club, while the top pillows for pervs include explicit images of gals from Genshin Impact and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord. Most Anime Dakimakura Pillows run between fifty bucks and a hundo, depending on what size and material options you choose.

More Than Just Anime Dakimakura Pillows​

As much as I love the caress of an anime maid with skin made of the softest Japanese textiles, I’m a little more partial to products that are a little more fuckable. The front page of AnimeDakimakuraPillow ain’t exactly wholesome, but there’s a lot more fun to be had for deviates under the 18+ Mature tab. How about swapping that cotton for some fleshy silicone and highly realistic thermoplastic elastomer?

These guys have one of the best selections of onaholes you’re going to find outside of Japan. For the uninitiated, onaholes are the Japanese equivalent of fap sleeves, pocket pussies and Fleshlights, and they come in a crazy range of shapes, sizes, colors and styles. If you’re overwhelmed by the selection in the local porn shop that smells funny, you might want to set some time aside to peruse the selection.

I do appreciate how well they’ve organized the catalog, tagging every product with so much detail it puts the average sex toy shop to shame. You can browse onaholes by intensity: Gentle, Excite or Hardcore. There’s also a whole menu of themes, each leading to a full aisle of toys with hentai-oriented gimmicks like ahegao faces, futanari cocks, pantyhouse, paizuri, monsters and virgins. In case you were wondering, yes, they do have a tentacle section, as gropy as you were hoping for.

The onaholes in the Gentle category at include some of the smaller, more affordable toys in the catalog. There’s a $30 Cowbell Cumblast bottle-shaped onahole, and a tiny little, headless and fucakble half-body for forty bones. At the other end of the spectrum, their Hardcore onaholes include vibrating fake asses for $80 and much bigger fuck torsos going for two or three bills.

AnimeDakimakuraPillow also carries the expected accessories, though in wholly unexpected varieties. Seriously, check out that lube aisle if you thought all the slippery stuff was the same. The regular-ass water-based lubricant here is all branded with sexy anime chicks, and they’ve also got creamy cum lube, icy lube, and a variety pack of scented lubes. Personally, I might have to add that Hot Demon Saliva to my cart. I think it’d go great with the toy they sent me.

About That Cock-Sucking Vampire Girl…​

I opened this by mentioning getting my dick sucked by a chick who normally sucks blood, so let me tell you how that went down. The fine folks at Anime Dakimakura Pillow were kind enough to send me one of their current most popular products. Retailing for about a hundred bucks, ADP Demon Slayer: Kamado Nezuko Blowjob (Special Edition) Onahole might look like your average mouth-shaped fap sleeve at first, but look a little closer inside.

Fortunately, the teeth weren’t as hard or shop as you’d expect from a genuine creature of the night. Combined with the tongue, the tight, textured channel and the lifelike softness, it felt a hell of a lot like getting a real beej from a real woman who really knows what she’s doing. I can see why it’s a best seller.

One of my favorite things about Japanese sex toys is the packaging. My vampire onahole came in a colorful box covered in hentai imagery, which is a pretty standard experience with most of the products they’re carrying. I can only read the English parts of the box, but that’s always been part of the charm. I’m tempted to put the thing on my shelf, but I know my guests are going to want to know more about the naked manga chick on the front. “That’s my waifu, asshole!”

Remember what I said about AnimeDakimakuraPillow being fans of their own products? Speaking as a hentai nerd, I felt like I was in good company throughout my experience with the website and with the jiggly thing they sent me. It really seems like they got into this to make better products available to more weeaboos at more affordable prices. You don’t need a personal friend in Japan to get these kind of hookups anymore.

Shipping is free around the world as long as you spend at least a hundred bucks (USD), though it’s probably not going to be Amazon fast. Those pillows are custom made as soon as you order them, but you might be waiting a couple weeks for your new onahole, too. Express shipping can bump it up a week, but you can only cross the ocean so fast. Anyway, great things come to those who wait.

There’s even a 30-day money-back guarantee, though it’s got the usual caveats for sex toys. Nobody wants anything you’ve already violated, as your mom tried to explain when you ruined Thanksgiving. You’re not going to pay for a fucked-up anime body pillow, though.

It's kind of a no-brainer to check out if you’re in the market for one of those pillows, as they’re one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality daki, with tons of characters and customization options. I’d also recommend a look if you’re a hentai fan or just looking for a new sex toy. They might have the best selection of onaholes I’ve ever seen, offering thousands of ways to get yourself with an anime theme. For those looking for the best of both worlds, don’t miss out on their onahole/dakimakura combos. It’s time to take your pillow humping to the next level.
  • anime body pillows and japanese adult toys
  • 50,000+ anime waifus
  • popular anime characters, sfw and nsfw
  • fantastic selection of onaholes
  • free shipping around the world (minimum purchase required)
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • longer ship times than amazon