WTF Buy Extenze

Nov 10, 2024
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These days, it really ain’t difficult to buy ExtenZe on the internet. Dick pills used to be something you had to score from the seediest truck stops or your sketchiest friend, but we’re living in a modern era of VR porn, local hookup apps and instant boners. ExtenZe has an interesting and controversial reputation, but I don’t think they would have been around this long if it was all sheer bullshit. In fact, some of the things I tell you in this review might have you reaching for your credit card despite what you might have heard.

Yes, my horny friends, is exactly what it sounds like, an online shop with nothing for sale but what might be the most popular non-prescription dick pill of the 21st century. The supplement is widely available due to its longstanding brand recognition, but the website on the other end of my link does offer some little perks and deals you don’t get at Walgreens. Regardless of where you get it, I bet you’re wondering whether it’s worth the price. Well, let me tell you what I know.

Let’s Talk About the Controversies First​

Depending on how old you are, there’s a good chance you’ve always known about ExtenZe. It’s been popular for so long that it’s just this ubiquitous thing that has always existed, like Coca-Cola or Pornhub. That said, you don’t have to be very old to remember their early infomercials that used to run on late-night TV. Super Mario stand-in Ron Jeremy used to hype the stuff, as did Jimmy Johnson, who was once the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys and Miami Hurricanes. The closest thing to a celebrity mouthpiece you’ll find attached to the gas station woody pills is a cheap knock-off Batman on the package. I promise you, DC didn’t license that image!

This whole writeup about BuyExtenZe would sound fishy as fuck if I didn’t mention the controversies, of which there were a few. Back in 2006, they had to pay some civil penalties for claiming the pills gave users a 27% bigger dick. They’ve since ditched the hard digits and just promise “bigger, harder, more frequent erections” on the BuyExtenze website. The Orange County district attorney didn’t come after them for the revamped claim, which suggests that it does increase size, at least to some extent.

Another major controversy happened in 2018, and it’s kind of a funny one. They actually got busted putting legit sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, in their ExtenZe Plus tabs. I know there are a lot of dudes out there, perhaps the more responsible ones, who read that and think, “I’d better stay away from that sketchy company!” I know it says a lot about me that I had entirely the opposite reaction. “Viagra without a script? Hook me up!”

The sildenafil controversy is one that you can read as a negative or a positive, as is this next one I’m going to tell you about. One of the active ingredients in ExtenZe is banned as a performance-enhancing drug in most professional athletic settings. The chem in question is dehydroepiandrosterone, better known as DHEA. According to the Olympics, the World Anti-Doping Agency, the NCAA, the NFL and the NBA, it just makes you too fucking good at performing. What can I say? I love to give the ladies a show!

More Than a Dozen Boner Enhancers in One​

I think it’s safe to say that wouldn’t be hawking the stuff if Biotab was still spiking their pills with illegal drugs. I know a lot you wish that were the case, but hey, they’ve got some other stuff to get the blood pumping to your willy. Most of these herbs and spices can be purchased individually for a fraction of the price, but ExtenZe takes out a lot of the guesswork, the dosing issues, and the countertop entirely covered in pill bottles, just like your grandpa has at the hospice center.

I’m not going to go over the whole Buy ExtenZe formula here. They’ve included some basic constituents like niacin, zinc and folic acid, though I’m guessing most of the action comes from the more exotic ingredients. They’re proven to help a dude out, and a few of them I’ve actually tried before: maca makes me horny, but you usually have to eat tablespoons of the powder; yohimbe extract seems to make my dick harder, but too much gives me a headache; l-arginine hydrochloride gives me good bike rides and juicier boners; horny goat weed has a chemical that’s very similar to prescription sildenafil, though not as strong.

If you Buy ExtenZe, you don’t have to pop dozens of different capsules a day, but that’s only part of the convenience. By combining a little of this and a little of that, they’re stacking the effects while minimizing the side effects of taking too much of any one substance. That yohimbe headache ain’t going to come on since I’m not slamming handfuls of it anymore.

It's worth mentioning here that ExtenZe ain’t exactly an instant erection pill a la Viagra or those suspicious supplements behind the counter at the neighborhood sex shop. They recommend taking the pill every day as part of your routine, which builds the levels of all those ingredients in your body. This leads to bigger, more frequent boners and increased endurance. The checkpoints listed at the top of BuyExtenZe also mention “massive intense and electrifying orgasms,” but come on, those just come free with any rock-solid hard-on.

So You Wanna Buy ExtenZe or What?​

I mentioned in the intro that ain’t the only place to buy ExtenZe, not by a long shot. It just might be the cheapest, though. A single one-month supply is $49, which is only 99 cents less than Walgreens is selling it for right now, but the bulk deals are where it’s at it. Considering this is a daily supplement, it makes sense to stock up anyway. If you buy six boxes, the price drops to just under forty bones a pop.

You get free shipping, too, which means you don’t have to sheepishly hand your penis-embiggening pills to the cute, giggling teenage girl behind the counter at the local drug store. There’s no shame in it, my dudes, but I understand not wanting to let the world know what’s going on in the privacy of your bedroom. Personally? You can peek in on the privacy of my bedroom over at PornDudeCasting. I hope your cock is raging hard while you watch, and I’ve heard of a supplement that can help in that department…

Best of all, they offer a 67-day money-back guarantee. To me, this is the best reason to use BuyExtenZe instead of getting your fix somewhere else. You get a couple months to test it out and see if it does what you want it to. If you ain’t satisfied, you get your money back, minus the usual shipping and handling fees. This ain’t a gamble. Not even your family physician can offer that can kind of guarantee.

ExtenZe might not have the same reputation as the heavy pharmaceuticals pushed by the most well-connected and billionaire-funded drug dealers in the world, but there’s a reason people are still popping it decades after it hit the market. Maybe the gimmick really is as simple as an OTC boner pill that actually does come through on its promises of firmer shafts and more satisfied wives. There’s no shortage of rip-offs aimed at horny dudes, though you never seem to see those other brands more than a time or two before they disappear forever. If you’ve been wondering about this one, will let you try it without the risk.
  • male enhancement pills
  • proven ingredients
  • bigger, more frequent boners
  • increased endurance
  • no prescription necessary
  • the company once snuck real viagra into their products
  • banned in most pro sports
  • sweet bulk deals
  • free shipping
  • 67-day money-back guarantee
  • the company once snuck real viagra into their products
  • banned in most pro sports