WTF MRLsexdoll

Nov 10, 2024
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MRL Sex Doll has a semi-mysterious name, though the latter half of the equation makes it pretty obvious what type of products they’re hawking. It’s those initials in the front that gave me pause at first, bringing to mind possible acronyms that might appeal to the pervert in me. Were they selling sex dolls of MILF Realtor Ladies, babes with Massive Rectal Liberties, toys equipped with the Most Realistic Labia, or devices built for Masturbation, Romance and Love?

Turns out, the MRL in stands for Mr. Love. I’m a little biased in favor of websites named after their host, but the name doesn’t exactly tell you their specific sex doll niche. These guys are making some of the most unique hentai sex dolls on the market, and while they may not appeal to the traditionalist perverts out there, their thriving traffic tells me a whole lot of weebs can’t get enough. I’ve been watching a lot of weird, sexy anime lately, so today seemed like a good day to check out Mr. Love’s offerings.

Putting the MRL in MRL Sex Doll​

I had to know what that MRL in MRLSexDoll stood for, and frankly I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t figure it out, so my first stop was the site’s About page. Most love doll shops have a really vague, generic backstory, typically written in broken Engrish, so I was pleasantly surprised to find a firsthand account by the site’s creator. My dude has a story of love, loss and anime that is going to ring true to a lot of nerds out there—yours truly, included!

It’s a worthwhile read if you’re into these things, but I won’t rehash the company’s whole background here. What I will say is that they’ve been around since 2018, and unlike most faceless sex toy purveyors, the whole thing really feels like a labor of love. When the shopkeepers and webmasters are legit fans of the niche, you can typically expert better products and superior service, whether we’re talking sex doll stores, free tubes, fetish paysites or literally anything else.

You’ll see that love of anime women plastered all over the place from the very second you land on Mr. L Sex Doll. I was expecting the usual spread of mostly realistic chicks you find on other shops, but was greeted instead with big eyes, crazy hair, wild bodily exaggerations and even some inhuman onaholes. They are clearly not catering to the same demographic as most shops.

They do offer some of the same perks, though. For one thing, they offer fast, free, worldwide shipping. “Fast” is relative in a world of Amazon Prime, but their shipping times suggest most customers get their hentai sex dolls in just a week or two. You might be able to meet a local babe faster on Tinder, but will she have fuckable nipples?

Hentai-Style Love with Mr. L Sex Doll​

MRL Sex Doll makes full-body anime dolls and torso dolls, but there is a catch: none are really human-sized. Even the pricier full-body toys listed in the “Large Version Doll” aisle stand barely over a foot. This is probably going to be a dealbreaker for anime fans looking for a waifu with more realistic proportions, and I have to wonder why they aren’t making larger dolls. I don’t know much about the manufacturing end of this business, but I’m guessing it’s still cost prohibitive for a smaller company to make the larger toys.

If you can get beyond the size limitations, though, the selection is weird, wild, wonderful, and really fucking sexy. Well, if you’re a hentai pervert, that is. They’ve got a smoking-hot blue-haired elf doll for $448, but she’s only 15 inches tall. Her pussy is nearly 6 inches deep, though, so she is fuckable.

Most sex dolls on other shops are just regular ladies in neutral poses, but such broads are in the minority here. They’ve got monster girls, pregnant babes, devil chicks and 18+ schoolgirls in leg-spreading poses, squatting, or presenting their overinflated boobies, with or without a set of BDSM ropes. They all look sexy, but they’re stuck in whatever position you bought them in.

I’m always on the lookout for the oddball toys on other sites, but really, is a fucking wonderland of weirdness. There are Paizuri sex dolls with fuckable nipple holes, a centaur chick with double channels, a snake lady whose bottom half is all coils and scales, a 4-boobied babe who outdoes the Total Recall hooker by one tata, and even a spider chick with detachable mecha legs.

The better-stocked sex doll shops typically have some trans or “shemale” options, but MrLSexDoll is one of few with legit futanaris on demand. I was actually a little bit surprised they don’t have a dedicated futa aisle given the popularly of dickgirls in hentai, but you can find them with the search bar or just hanging out with the rest of the fake ladies. They’ve even got one with two dicks, in case you’ve ever wanted to try double anal on yourself.

Pocket Pussies from Another Dimension​

Besides having some of the most unique sex dolls I’ve ever seen in my life, Mr. L Sex Doll also has a selection of onaholes you ain’t going to find anywhere else. I’m guessing you’re something of a weeaboo and already know what an onahole is, but in case you haven’t bought a fedora or signed up for Reddit yet, onaholes are basically the same thing as fap sleeves or Fleshlights. You know, handheld dick massagers for the waifu-pillow crowd.

They’ve got the basic pocket pussies, simulated mouths, fake buttholes and pornstar replica twats you expect to see anywhere else, but I’m more impressed by the doubly freaky hentai onaholes. There’s another fuckable boob in this aisle, this time unattached to a little lady, and one with a nipple on one end and a mouth on the other.

A handful of their onaholes are shaped like palm-sized anime characters. Some look like human chicks, while other characters are furry, have wings, or a bunch of tentacle-like appendages. One looks like a whole-ass flamingo head, and a handful have otherworldly looks that are hard to put into words. If you’ve ever dreamed of fucking an eldritch abomination straight out of some horror anime, this may be your chance.

If you’re not into aliens or inflation fantasies, carries a couple realistic onaholes modeled after Japanese pornstars and idols. I’m actually not too familiar with Eimi Fukada’s work in JAV, but the device modeled after her naughty bits looks fucking incredible, and it’s just under $60.

MRL Sex Doll and the Future of Masturbation​

I couldn’t help noticing Mr. L Sex Doll’s prices are all over the fucking place. They don’t run as high as some of the more realistic shops, but some of their tiny dolls cost upwards of $400 or more. At the same time, they’ve got truly unique male sex toys starting around $50 or so. I’m not sure how to account for this inconsistency, but I’m guessing it’s another one of those things that boils down to the logistics of producing such unusual toys.

At the end of the day, that sexy hentai weirdness is easily’s strongest selling point. I always advise my readers to do a lot of window shopping if they’re about to blow a bunch of money on a premium sex doll, but let’s face it, a lot of those other sites start to run together when you start looking at them. Mr. Love and his stable of synthetic monster chicks certainly don’t have that issue. If you’re into this stuff, you’re going to remember this site.

I’m really hoping to see Mr. L Sex Doll expand their line with some larger, more realistic hentai dolls. Hell, this would be the perfect platform to resell some of the nicer hentai dolls I see coming from the major brands. Either way, I think the site’s target audience would eat that shit up. If you’d pay a few hundo for a little, fuckable futanari, how much would you pay for a full-size one? is one of the easiest recommendations for any hentai fans currently in the market for a nice new sex toy. They’ve got one of the only truly unique product lines I’ve seen in a long time, and while it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of lube, I know a lot of hentai fans are going to be thrilled to see their freakiest fantasies put to TPE.
  • hentai sex doll shop
  • fast, free, worldwide shipping
  • full body dolls and torso dolls
  • weird, wild wonderful range of freaky dolls – futas, monsters and more
  • unique hentai onaholes, too
  • most products are pretty small
  • no really high-end realistic dolls