WTF SemenHance

Nov 10, 2024
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Let’s face it: SemEnhance has a hilarious name. It’s the kind of thing you hear and immediately start chuckling, and then you might bust out a legit belly laugh when you find out that, yeah, it really is a product designed to jack your jizz to the next level. An obvious portmanteau of Semen and Enhance, the question remains, in what way does it improve your spunk, your cum, your creamy homemade aioli? Are we talking bigger loads, a higher concentration of swimmers, or something more esoteric and hard to pin down?

Honestly, I had a few guesses, but I turned out to be wrong all fronts. Turns out, not only is the name inherently humorous, but so is the effect: hawks pills developed to make your semen taste better. If you’re tired of your wife refusing to bob your knob or sick of Tinder girls ralphing on your carpet in disgust, this might be exactly the supplement you’ve been looking for. As a man who feeds women his man milk almost weekly on the PornDudeCasting couch, I was immediately intrigued. Let’s take a closer look at what these medical mad scientists have to offer, shall we?

Whip Up Some Gourmet DIY Mayonnaise​

Within literal seconds of pulling up the SemEnhance website, I was both fascinated but skeptical. I’m always looking for ways to improve my face-fucking game, but those bold letters out front are making some wild claims. “Have GREAT Tasting Semen” and “Enjoy MORE Oral Sex” are killer selling points, but I’ve blown my fair share of cash on truck-stop pills with similar claims. I’ll never forget the rash and blistering headache I got popping an Elephant Bone XXX that promised “Next Level Masculine Enhancement” and “The Full Power of Elephant Virility.”

I became a little less skeptical when I figured out this is the same company who makes Semenax. In case you missed my review on the product, that one’s a supplement that makes you cum bigger and harder. The company’s been around for a couple decades now, and have a decent reputation among non-prescription boner pill enthusiasts. SemEnhance may be a newer supplement, but it’s not being peddled by some random startup or your weird, tweaked-out neighbor with tin foil covering all his windows.

I did some Googling and found SemEnhance available from shops like Wal-Mart and Amazon, which adds just a slight bit more respectability. I mean, sure, your sister-in-law buys all kinds of busted Chinese plastic from the places, but they tend not to carry back-alley medical treatments. More importantly, I found some customer reviews that told me a lot about what actual users think.

As you may have imagined, reviews are mixed. More than half the customers I found were happy with their purchase, offering five-star ratings and saying their wives and girlfriends do indeed prefer that new, improved seminal flavor. Some reviews say they took it briefly and got no effect, and there are a handful saying the flavor changed, but not for the better.

It's worth noting that says results start in three weeks, with great results after three months. Some of those short-term reviewers may not have tried long enough, though this is sheer speculation on my part. As far as the minority who didn’t like the new flavor, well chalk that up to different tastes, I guess. The satisfaction rate certainly seemed high enough to keep my interest, though, so I delved a bit deeper into the site.

Cheaper Than Pineapple Every Day​

If you can pick up a bottle at the local superstore or just add it to your cart full of bullshit on Amazon, why bother ordering from Well, the price for a single bottle looks to be basically the same everywhere, but there are other perks. The site even offers free shipping, so it’s not like you need to splurge on Amazon Prime just to change your sperm flavor.

I’d say the main reason to order directly from is to take advantage of their 67-day money back guarantee. While you may be able to tap into that same protection if you’re getting the product elsewhere, this will at least save you some steps along the way. They’ll already have your deets so they can get it processed right away. You’ll still be on the line for shipping and handling charges, but with free shipping included, I’m not sure how much you’ll end up paying.

Refunds are limited to one per customer, which is fair. I do appreciate that the promo extends to multiple containers, in case you want to take advantage of one of the bulk deals I’m about to talk about. They just ask that you send in your open and unopened containers to get your full refund, so don’t toss them out just yet!

If you’re only buying one bottle, it’s about fifty bucks, no matter where you get it. If you’re going to be regular user, though, the SemEnhance website has much better deals on quantity. You save more depending on how much you buy, so two bottles will you run $80, while 6 will cost $210. The yearly 12-bottle pack will save you the most, breaking down to about half the cost per bottle as what you’d pay at Wal-Mart.

Given they’re the same company who makes Semenax, I’m a little disappointed they don’t offer a bundle to save even more if you’re using both products. It seems like a natural opportunity for some crossover customers, so hopefully it’s something they roll out in the future. Perhaps we’re not seeing it yet because SemEnhance is newer and they’re still testing the waters, but we’ll see.

Getting Scientific in the Lab​

Alright, enough about the pricing, let’s get to the really important stuff. Namely, how the fuck can this possibly work? I’ve been hearing for years that your diet affects the way your spunk tastes. The first time I ever popped my cork into a chick’s mouth, she said I tasted like corn chips, which is why I started eating pineapple every day.

Wouldn’t you know it? There’s pineapple in the promo shot at the top of SemEnhance’s front page. They say that things like coffee, fish and beer will fuck up your flavor, but their pills are designed to enhance your natural sugars. Instead of altering your whole diet forever, they’re supposed to provide a fast track to higher edibility when it comes to your DIY cake batter.

The ingredients include vitamin c, royal jelly and bee pollen, all of which have been proven to have beneficial effects on semen production. They’ve also got the aforementioned pineapple, the high acidity of which supposedly helps cut down the bitter taste in your sperm. There’s also kiwi, offering high natural sugars, banana with its libido-boosting bromelain, and strawberries with lycopene, linked to better sperm quality and motility. They round out the recipe with celery, intended to flush out the salt and keep your sauce sweet.

Do you want to whip up a fruit salad every morning or pop a pill? Even if you prefer the fresh fruits and veggies, most of us just don’t have the time, energy and dedication required to keep up that kind of routine every day, even if it does mean getting our dicks sucked more often. I mean, I shoot pornos for PornDudeCasting every week, and even I have trouble justifying that kind of investment. If you’re just hoping for a little more attention from the wifey, it seems like an easy choice.

At the end of the day, the big question is whether or not it’s actually going to be worth it. I don’t think there’s a simple answer, because it’s going to depend a lot on who’s sucking your cock (or who you want to suck your cock), how often you’re getting head, and what you already taste like. If you’re a die-hard vegan who abstains from meat, coffee and booze, you might have sperm that already tastes like fucking Jamba Juice. On the other hand, if you’re a hard-driving porn stud or Tinder pimp, well, maybe it’s worth the investment.

With the money-back guarantee, there ain’t a lot of risk here. If you’re interested in what has to offer, I’d recommend taking advantage of that guarantee so you can test the waters without being on the hook for too much. What’s the worst that can happen? It might not make you any sweeter, but imagine how much fun you’ll have if it really does.
  • pills that make your jizz tastier
  • free shipping
  • 67-day money-back guarantee
  • good deals on quantity
  • results don’t start for 3 weeks, best results at 3 months