WTF Sex Doll Park

Nov 10, 2024
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Sex Doll Park sounds like an absolute playground for a perv like me. As soon as I heard the title, I envisioned my own well-stocked wonderland of life-sized babes who are always down to fuck, any hour of the day or night. It’s honestly an attainable fantasy, the only real limit being the depth of your pockets. Building your own whole-ass theme park of silicone or TPE women might cost a pretty penny, but a singular synthetic waifu or two is a lot cheaper than a human wife when you start adding it all up. Hell, you don’t even want to know what I’ve spent on Tinder dates this month, and those are never a sure thing.

The women of are a lot hotter than your average dating site matches, and they’re always ready when you are—no dinner, movie, or smooth talk required. You’ve probably deduced this from the name, but the site is an online shopping mall of highly realistic love dolls. They’ve been helping lonely dudes get laid since 2018, and they’ve been getting steadily more traffic in recent months. As much as I love boning real chicks, sometimes I just appreciate the convenience of a hottie I can keep under the bed, so I checked my bank balance and started poking around. Who knows? Maybe PornDude headquarters will become my very own sex doll park.

Welcome to the Sex Doll Park​

If you’re old enough, you remember the days before Real Dolls came out and changed the whole game. Those inflatable bimbos at the sketchy sex shop downtown used to be the only things available, and yeah, dudes really did stick their dicks into that weird chemical-smelling plastic, risking all kinds of chafing, scratching, and weird rashes for something that frankly never even felt like real poon. It wasn’t that long ago that the babes of SexDollPark would be pure fantasy, something out of Blade Runner or the holodeck on Star Trek.

The market is still evolving, too. One of the big developments I’ve noticed in recent years is a shift from overseas shipping to warehouses across the world. takes this approach, though they’re a little bit vague about where those warehouses are located. They do offer free and discreet shipping, which can be as quick as just a couple days if you find a “local” doll. Custom jobs are still going to ship from a land far away, so you might have to wait a month if you’re trying to get your perfect dream girl.

The sex doll shops that ship direct from the factories can sometimes get you a better deal, with the big tradeoff being the overall lack of selection. One of the biggest advantages of a shop like SexDollPark is that they carry dolls from a nice range of the top brands in the business. A dropdown menu in the header offers quick access to lifelike toys from Irontech, WM Dolls, Realing Dolls and more.

As far as pricing goes, ain’t the cheapest store I’ve seen. Those of you on a tight budget will probably want to check out some of the other options I’ve got on my big list of Sex Doll Shops here at ThePornDude. As of this writing, SexDollPark only carries one model under a grand and she’s $800. At the other end of the spectrum, their most expensive female love doll is going for $2181, with a handful of male dolls running even higher. In case you were wondering, trans fans seem to be out of luck here; I didn’t find any dolls with both titties and dicks.

What Kind of Waifu Are You Looking For?​

When realistic love dolls first appeared on the market, options were pretty limited. It’s a completely different story these days, so there’s no reason to settle for anything less than a doll that gets you all hard and drippy the moment you lay eyes on her. Sex Doll Park carries a few hundred realistic love dolls in all shapes, sizes and colors. It would be an unwieldly selection were it not for the filters they’ve baked into the interface to help make it all a little easier to take in.

Americans in a hurry to bang their synthetic companions are in luck, because you can browse by what’s currently in stock in the USA. It’s a healthy selection of women from a few of the biggest manufacturers, with a little bit of everything to choose from. Buy an ebony chick or a blondie; a slim babe or a BBW; a human woman or a pointy-eared elven slut. I’m partial to the thicker models, which weren’t even a thing until relatively recently.

Only about a third of Sex Doll Park’s inventory is currently kept in the US, which means some potential wait times. I know a month can seem like forever in the era of Amazon prime, but keep in mind, this is a big investment for most folks. Those wait times are worth it, especially if you’re getting something custom made.

If you’re on the fence about going either the quick route or the custom one, I recommend taking a peek at all the options available. Most of these dolls have a shitload of customization options, so your dream girl might not cost much more than your runner up. Different wigs, eye colors, skin tones and nipple styles are just a few of the standard options you can play with. Hell, some of the really sad dudes out there can even model their dolls after their ex-wives. She may be the one who got away, but the silicone version ain’t going anywhere, nor is she getting any alimony! Oh, and the new one’s pussy will smell better, too…

Personally, I’ve got my eye on a WM doll SexDollPark has in stock in the USA, an $1800 model who’s wearing a Christmas-themed getup in the thumbnail. I was pleasantly surprised to find the price didn’t even go up when I selected a red wig and a different head than what’s pictured. It ain’t uncommon for every custom selection to add another big bump to the price tag on most sites, but it looks like SexDollPark is hooking their customers up. Many customization options are free, so you should definitely play with those menus a bit before deciding against a custom model. It might be way cheaper than you expect.

Cheaper Than a Shotgun Wedding​

Overall, has a killer selection of silicone and TPE women to choose from. That said, it might not be the best doll shop for those of you with atypical tastes. They’ve got a handful of elf-eared chicks and some pregnant dolls, but that’s about it as far as the oddball units go. Some shops carry blue-skinned aliens, devil girls and furries, but the selection here is a little more traditional. I didn’t find a section full of AI-powered cyborg chicks like I’ve seen on a few of the more upscale shops, either. Still, I’d say the selection beats the hell out of the local chicks on Bumble.

My biggest complaint about Sex Doll Park is that the doll listings don’t have review sections. User reviews are standard for basically any type of online shop, whether you’re buying a humidifier, a new fedora, or something you’re planning on pumping full of jizz the moment it arrives on your doorstep. It’s a weird thing to omit in a 21st century online marketplace. SexDollPark does have a forum where customers could theoretically share their experiences, but as of this writing, there ain’t much activity yet. User reviews can go a long way in helping new customers make a decision and pull the trigger, so hopefully it’s something we’ll see rolled out soon.

Realistic love dolls are still a big investment for the average consumer, which is why I highly recommend shopping around if you’re in the market. My big list of Sex Doll Shops is a good place to start, and is a solid entry for your shortlist if you’re looking for something in the medium-high price range. The selection is wide, with plenty of low-cost or included customization options, along with free shipping for most customers. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a handful of potential new waifus to consider.
  • online sex doll shop
  • free, discreet shipping
  • lots of major doll brands
  • hundreds of dolls to choose from
  • tons of customization options (many free)
  • not the cheapest options on the market
  • no user reviews


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