WTF HerSolution

Nov 10, 2024
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Her Solution has such a vague name that it’s almost ominous, because it doesn’t suggest what she even needs a solution to. Is the woman referenced in the title tired of getting up early for work, bored with the dinners she’s been cooking, or having trouble getting excited when those Tinder dates tick up into the late-night hours? You’re reading this on ThePornDude, so I bet you can nail this multiple-choice question. Maybe later, you can get nailed—and enjoy the hell out of yourself while you’re at it. The problem we’re talking about today is low libido in ladies, and the solution? hawks a daily supplement to help make women hornier, wetter, and more ready for action. The company’s been around since the early ‘00s, which suggests some expertise and experience delivering on their claims. There are a lot of bullshit health products out there, as you already know if your sister-in-law fell for an MLM scam, so let’s look at a brand that’s actually had what it takes to stick around.

Finally, Something for the Ladies​

Boner pills for dudes have been around for decades, and have only seemed to get more popular and acceptable in the 21st century. I’ve seen influencers in their 20s promoting Viagra like they’ve got old-dude dicks, and the sketchy gas-station pills have even started popping up in more traditional drug stores. As a society, we’ve decided all men should have raging hard cocks whenever they’re ready. It's kind of sad that women have been neglected in the same respect, though it’s got a historical basis. Hell, Western culture considered the female orgasm a myth until fairly recently, and there are still boneheads who don’t think women need to get off. Seeing as I’m writing to the women today, I know I don’t have to tell you that. My buddies sometimes tell me the most embarrassing shit about their hookups… Fluctuations in libido are common for everybody—male, female or otherwise—so don’t beat yourself up if you just haven’t been feeling it lately. Her Solution offers a bullet-pointed list of reasons you might have for feeling that way, but it’s nowhere near exhaustive. Diet, exercise, stress and those usual womanly cycles can wreak havoc on your desire to get off. HerSolution ain’t going to improve your fitness routine or make you cut down on the Taco Bell, but the ingredients are formulated to “gently and naturally restore your desire for and enjoyment of sex”. In some ways, it’s a better approach than Viagra, which just helps make more blood flow available to the pecker. This is more of a holistic method meant to increase a woman’s overall health, particularly in ways that are going to help out in the bedroom. Just like Viagra ain’t an instant boner without stimulation, Her Solution doesn’t just instantly make your pussy wet for no reason. You’ll still need that basic stimulation to get you going, but your body will be more receptive and ready to roll. It’s a little like taking your car into the shop for regular maintenance, only it’s as simple as popping a pill in the morning, and nobody’s trying to hustle you into paying for new blinker fluid.

What Is Her Solution, Exactly?​ boasts a 100% natural formula, no prescription necessary. They list the whole formula on the How It Works page, and sure enough, there are no funky chemicals with weird-ass names. Some of the ingredients might sound a little exotic if you don’t live at the health food store, but every last constituent is plant derived. Still, the product is manufactured by the same cGMP pharmaceuticals lab used by big-ass retailers like Wal-Mart. This ain’t some bullshit home formula whipped up in some dirty Etsy kitchen. Let’s go over those ingredients. They’ve included niacin, which is listed as B3 in energy drinks. Not only does it give you a little pep in your step, but it’s a vasodilator that improves circulation; it’s been proven to work for male libido issues for the same reason. The vitamin is critical for all kinds of bodily functions, and is believed to help produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. You know, the sex hormones. They’ve also got hops extracts. I associate hops with beer and knew they’re sometimes used if you’re having trouble sleeping, but I didn’t know they’re supposed to help with vaginal dryness, too. Well, not directly anyhow, if my tips to the local watering hole are any evidence. Hops are also known for helping boost estrogen production. There’s ginkgo biloba, an adaptogen your hippy friends might take for literally everything, included here for the blood-flow effects on your sex parts. Mucuna pruriens seeds are another ancient ingredient, used for millennia in ayurvedic medicine and more recently proven to provide dopamine precursor L-Dopa. Epimedium sagitattum has only been used for a measly thousand years, but seems to improve nitric oxide levels like prescription Vitamin V, allowing more blood flow and stimulation to the clit. HerSolution’s last ingredient surprised me, because it’s just regular ol’ cayenne pepper. No shit, it can actually improve blood flow and help increase vaginal lubrication. They don’t mention it on the website, but a couple other sources online say cayenne may also help reduce pain from getting pounded by an oversized dong. All in all, it’s a very gentle formula. The front page of HerSolution claims there are No Known Side Effects, a claim that I’d be skeptical of if I hadn’t gone over the whole ingredient list myself. I Googled everything they’ve baked into their pills, and it really is some of the safest shit out there. Niacin can cause a niacin flush if you take too much, turning your skin briefly red, but you have to slam a couple of those truck-stop energy shots to consume enough to make that happen. That said, Her Solution is not recommended for pregnant women. Their FAQ says some women report their boobs getting a little bigger as the herbs and spices balance out their hormones. If you’ve got any serious health concerns, you should probably consult somebody whose professional experience ain’t solely in the realm of pornography. I’m just here to help get everybody hornier.

Wet Pussies, Guarantees and Freebies​

HerSolution starts at $60 for a one-month supply, and everything here includes free shipping. You’re probably going to want to buy more than one box, though, for a few different reasons. For one, prices start dropping substantially once you spring for a bundle; two-months will run you $90, while a six-month supply is just $220. It's a daily supplement, so if you like it, you’re going to want more anyway. They also offer a 67-day money-back guarantee, but you’ve got to buy at least a two-month supply to qualify. They want you to send your unused portion back and you’ll be out the shipping costs, but that’s nothing when you consider the potential upsides. I know I might sound like a biased pervert since you’re reading this on an adult website, but libido issues can be absolutely disastrous for your personal life and mental health. You also get a free gift if you buy more than one pack of Her Solution. The freebie is a one-month supply of HerSolution Gel, a product designed to work hand-in-hand with the HerSolution tabs. It’s another natural formula, this time designed to tackle that dryness directly. I’m going to write about the gel next, so if you’re curious, check out my other review here at ThePornDude. While men are constantly encouraged to max out their erectile hardness, women just don’t get as much attention when it comes to issues like low libido and vaginal dryness. offers a real solution, going well beyond the usual platitudes like, “Maybe you just need a nice bath and a better man.” The formula is all natural and gentle, designed to optimize that reproductive system of yours, regardless of what you’re planning on using it for. The money-back guarantee takes the risk out of testing it out, making it an easy recommendation for women looking for a soft, easy solution to this particular problem.
  • sex-enhancing gel for women
  • reduces vaginal dryness
  • improves sexual stimulation
  • 100% all-natural formula
  • free shipping
  • 67-day money-back guarantee
  • free hersolution tablets
  • pricier than regular ol’ sex lube