WTF Xndoll

Nov 10, 2024
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The XnDoll logo calls the site “The Best Sex Doll Store,” which is exactly the kind of big, bold claim I expect from any sex doll store. Hell, every adult site on the internet is the biggest and best thing out there if you believe their own hype. If it were really that simple, there’d hardly be any reason for ThePornDude to exist at all. At the end of the day, it can be difficult to separate adspeak from cold, hard truth, which is why I spend my days fap testing porn tubes and window shopping the sex shops.

In case you hadn’t gleaned it from the opening paragraph, is an online shopping mall of highly realistic love dolls. While a synthetic companion might earn you some weird looks if you take her out to McDonald’s, people in general seem a lot more comfortable with high-end sex dolls than they were when RealDolls hit the market decades ago. More than 50,000 people visited Xn Doll last month, so you clearly ain’t alone in your interest. Let’s see what they’re hawking, shall we?

Sex Dolls for Every Type of Pervert​

Visually, there’s nothing all that special about the storefront at Xn Doll. It’s not as flashy and fancy as the aforementioned RealDoll, still one of the leaders in the industry, nor does it have the barebones aesthetic of some of the shoddier doll shops I’ve reviewed. The presentation is a little basic and maybe a bit cluttered, but still feels professional enough that I’m not worried I’m walking into a scam.

The promo photos at the very top of the front page made me wonder if the site caters largely to a weeaboo, neckbeard or gamer demographic. If the context was a little bit different, I might have assumed I was looking at some video game graphics starring bad bitches and busty nymphettes. Sure enough, they have whole-ass sections devoted to categories like Anime Sex Dolls and Elf Sex Dolls. The image I’m talking about turned out to be a promo shot for XnDoll’s collection of Gamelady Dolls, which are exactly what they sound like.

It ain’t all pointy ears, big eyes and Tomb Raider getups, though. They carry a wide range of sex dolls, from blue-skilled alien broads to more traditionally sexy human forms. A lot of them look like the kind of chicks I’d nail on the PornDudeCasting couch, or at least I would if they were real. I bet you don’t even have selection like this on Tinder, now do you?

They’ve got quick links to some of their most popular categories listed out on the front page, and it really looks like there’s something for everyone. Big Tits Sex Dolls seem like an obvious hit, and they’ve also got a popular range of Flat Chested Sex Dolls. There are even Male Sex Dolls and Shemales if you’re looking for some hard simulated dong along with those fuckable TPE buttholes and mouths. mainly focuses on full-size sex dolls with all their limbs attached. Some folks don’t have the budget or the space at home for a sex toy like that, or just prefer the kinkiness of an amputee, headless or otherwise. If that describes you, be sure to check out the range of Sex Doll Torsos available. They’ve got a couple pages of them, which may well be enough to compete with the shops that specialize in these partial ladies. There’s only one way to know for sure, right?

Sex Doll Warehouses Around the World​

Sex doll shops these days seem to come in two distinct flavors. On the one hand, you’ve got outfits that are manufacturing the dolls and shipping them straight to you from the factory. On the other hand, you’ve got joints like XnDoll. They don’t make the dolls themselves, but they do carry a wide range of popular doll brands.

The main advantages and disadvantages ain’t too difficult to see. The factory-to-consumer joints can often offer better deals and more customization options, while the multi-brand shops can offer a wider range of TPE and silicone waifus to choose from. Xn Doll carries products from dozens of respected manufacturers, like Gamelady, Irontech, SE Doll and Fanreal.

Another major advantage is fast shipping. Unless you live in China, you’re probably going to be looking at some serious wait times. Twenty years ago this wouldn’t have been a big deal, but you impatient bastards have all gotten used to the immediate gratification of Amazon Prime. Who wants to wait a month or more, especially when you’ve got blue balls and a boner now?

If you’re ordering a custom sex doll from, you’re still going to be waiting for weeks because that customization takes place in China. Great things often come to those who wait, but hey, I’m with you if you’d rather get your new girlfriend this week. XnDoll has warehouses in the US and EU, which means crazy fast shipping if that’s where you live. They’ll even let American customers pick their dolls up right from the LA warehouse.

It doesn’t look like they let European customers stop by their warehouses in Poland or Germany, which is a bummer. That’s not the only area where Americans are getting some extra perks. They also offer free shipping in the USA. The dolls cost about $100-$150 to ship to the EU or UK, and up to five hundo in other countries. Sometimes it’s good to be an American if you just ignore the mass shootings and lack of healthcare.

Who Wants to Buy a Used Sex Toy?​

I’ve been seeing more and more sex doll shops offering synthetic chicks with features straight out of Blade Runner, like auto-heating skin, auto-sucking mouths and even the ability to speak to their owners, learning as they go using the magic of artificial intelligence. If Xn Doll has these fuckable androids, they’ve buried them somewhere I couldn’t find. There’s no section for them, and I couldn’t figure out a search string that would turn them up.

They did have something I’ve never seen on one of these sites, though: a small aisle of Used Sex Dolls. The section only has three pretend women at the time of this writing, but I expect that to change given the nature of used goods. There’s no mention of just how exactly they were “used”, so I dug into’s Return and Refund page.

The terms are the same basic rules and regulations you find on any of the sex doll shops. Basically, you need to inspect the doll carefully as soon as you get it. You can get a refund if something shows up busted, but that’s about it. They’re not going to take back something you stuck your dick in. I’m guessing those Used dolls got banged up during their first ride, were returned and then repaired.

The Used Xn Dolls could potentially save you a few bucks. The cheapest one right now is under $700, which ain’t bad. Because they carry so many different brands, the prices are all over the place across the site. If you’re on a budget and don’t want to settle for a “used” sex doll, check out XnDoll’s aisle of Cheap Sex Dolls.

Cheap is a relative term, of course, but the chicks in this section start at just under five hundo. To put it in perspective, that’s like a month of dating if you’re going out to dinner once a week. Unlike the girls you meet on Hinge, you can keep these ones under your bed forever.

I also recommend checking out their Deals and Offers page. I like how they’ve broken down the promos by brand and list exactly what you can score for free. For example, the current AF Doll bonuses include a free extra head, gel breasts, EVO skeleton and more. Maybe I’ll place an order after I finish wrapping up this review.

If you ask me, the big-ass selection is going to be the biggest draw for most customers. They’ve got everything from petite dolls to buxom bimbos to crazy-ass alien-looking anime bitches, from a wide range of the top manufacturers. The prices do vary a bit from maker to maker, but there’s enough variation that I think most folks will find something that fits their needs and their budgets nicely. Tell your new silicone girlfriend I said Hi.
  • high-end sex doll shop
  • dozens of respected brands
  • a wide range of dolls
  • warehouses in usa and eu
  • free shipping in the usa
  • potentially high shipping/import costs outside of usa